Susan Friday, Founder and President of Overcharge Recovery Group

Susan is a cost control entrepreneur whose passion is to stop waste. Susan founded Overcharge Recovery Group (ORG) in 2001 after working several decades as a carrier account manager.

Prior to founding ORG, Susan held positions with MCI, Sprint, and Equant, among others. During her time with these organizations she developed expertise in telecom contracts, billing, and taxation. At the same time, she began to see widespread overcharges, erroneous billing, and trampling of consumer rights. She saw these industry weaknesses as her opportunity to help businesses stop wasting money. It was this opportunity, her entrepreneurial spirt and penchant for fairness that led her to found ORG.

Susan is dedicated to operating with the highest ethical standards. She has been a longtime member of the Society of Communications Technology Consultants International (SCTC). As a condition of acceptance into the prestigious Society of Communications Technology Consultants (SCTC), ORG has pledged to a strict code of ethics, and agrees to have NO conflicts of interest.

She holds a BA from Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA.

The Overcharge Recovery Group Team

Your team members:

  • Are carefully selected based your business and telecom audit requirements

  • Average over 15 years of telecom audit experience

  • Are dedicated to exemplary service and conduct themselves according to the SCTC code of ethics

Let our team of experts go to work for you.

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